
Wild Tots

An exciting child-led session for parents and tots for children 1-5 years old. The sessions include woodland crafts, sensory play, wild play, stories, campfire cooking and many other Treemendously Wild adventures! Each week provides an opportunity to explore the woodland, develop skills and connect with nature.

Siblings under 18 months are free.
Age range: Between ages 1 and 5

Treemendous Family Fun

An exciting child-led session in the school holidays for the family, allowing a space for children to meet new peers and play with friends in the great outdoors.

For children 1-14 years old. The sessions include woodland crafts, sensory play, wild play, campfire cooking, shelter building and many other Treemendously Wild adventures! Each session provides an opportunity to explore the woodland, develop skills and connect with nature. Siblings under 18 months are free.

Age range: Between ages 1 and 14

Home Ed Meet-Up

An exciting child-led session for home educating families to meet up and socialise with other home educating families. For children 1-14 years old. The sessions include woodland crafts, sensory play, wild play, campfire cooking, shelter building and many other Treemendously Wild adventures! Each session provides an opportunity to explore the woodland, develop skills and connect with nature.

Siblings under 18 months are free.
Age range: Between ages 1 and 14

Treemendously Wild at School

An exciting child-led forest school and outdoor education group at your child's school. Treemendously Wild can pop up at your school, bringing all the Treemendous fun to you. The sessions include woodland crafts, sensory play, wild play, stories, campfire cooking and many other Treemendously Wild adventures! Each week provides an opportunity to explore, develop skills and connect with nature.

Contact us if you’re interested in Treemendously Wild attending your school.

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07393 175 803

Woodland Parties at Treemendously Wild!

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